Latest News from Friends of East Flat Rock
Jobs, Jobs, Jobs
One of the few “arguments” we’ve continually heard from those who are in favor of a building a hot mix asphalt plant in East Flat Rock is that it will bring in new jobs and, therefore, stimulate economic growth in the county. But just how many new jobs will the proposed plant create? At first, it was 6-7 new full-time [...]
Empty chairs. No one cares?
By now, Jeff Shipman, his mother Verna Shipman, or someone else with self-serving motives has probably contacted the Planning Board members to let them know only two people attended their "public meeting" on August 4 and that, even though many of us sign petitions and write letters opposing the plant, we're not sufficiently motivated to attend a meeting. We are [...]
Let’s pack the house on August 20!
Unless you're socially distancing on a deserted island or a uninhabited mountain top (don't I wish), you probably know by now that Jeff Shipman's conditional re-zoning application to construct a new hot mix asphalt drum plant is the sole agenda item at Henderson County’s Planning Board Meeting on Thursday, August 20, 2020 at 5:30 pm. The Planning Department says there [...]