Henderson County has scheduled a public hearing at 5:00 pm on Monday, May 17 to decide to approve or deny Jeff Shipman’s rezoning application to build a hot mix asphalt plant on his property on the northeast corner of Highway 176 and US Highway 25 (Exit 7 on Highway 25). This public hearing is your best opportunity to say NO to SE Asphalt’s plant and let the Commissioners know East Flat Rock does not want an asphalt plant built so close to hundreds of single family homes, small farms, the Green River Game Lands, and the Eastern Continental Divide.

This meeting is open to the public and will take place IN PERSON at the Blue Ridge Community College Thomas Auditorium (180 W Campus Drive, Flat Rock, NC 28731). During this meeting, the 5 Commissioners will hear a presentation by the applicant and comments from the public before voting to approve or deny the application.

Please attend IN PERSON and be ready to make your public comments about why you oppose building a hot mix asphalt plant in East Flat Rock.


Let the decision makers who approve or deny this application know your concerns about how a hot mix asphalt plant will affect the health, environment, and economy of East Flat Rock and its community members using the email addresses below.

When you write the Commissioners, remind them that the Planning Board has now recommended to deny this application TWICE, so their decision to deny this application should be an easy one.

If you missed the Planning Board meeting on April 15, here are the results of their vote:

Recommended to Deny:
Bruce Hatfield
Jim Miller, Jr.
Hunter Marks
Jennifer Balkcom
Steve Dozier

Recommended to Approve:
Baird Blake
Paul Patterson

Not Present:
Trey Ford (recused)
Rick Livingston