Latest News on SE Asphalt’s proposed hot mix asphalt plant:
Follow our updates here and join our Facebook group to get the latest news on the conditional rezoning application #R-2020-03-C submitted on behalf of SE Asphalt – Jeff Shipman on May 1,2020, which requests Henderson County conditionally rezone a 6.5 acre portion of land, currently owned by Dustin Gosnell of DGP HOLDINGS LLC and Nathan and Kelly Byrd of NKMR VENTURES LLC, to a conditional district to construct a new asphalt drum plant located off Spartanburg Hwy (US 176) in East Flat Rock, North Carolina.
The proposed site of this asphalt drum plant is on the northeast corner of Highway 176 and US Highway 25 (Exit 7 on Highway 25), within one mile of hundreds of single family homes, small farms, the Green River Game Lands, and the Eastern Continental Divide. The headwaters of Laurel Creek, which feeds into the Green River gorge, is less than 300 feet from the proposed site.
The property is currently zoned Community Commercial, which allows for residential and commercial uses, such as office buildings and retail sales and services. Asphalt plants are not currently permitted and special conditional rezoning must be obtained in order to build a heavy industrial plant in such close proximity to neighborhood homes, schools, and churches.
Adopt-A-Highway Trash Pickup on Saturday, March 15, 2025!
Please join us Saturday, March 15, 2025 at 10:00 am for our quarterly Adopt-A-Highway trash pickup along our Highway 176 corridor to keep one of the main gateways into Hendersonville clean. As part of NCDOT's Adopt-A-Highway program, Friends of East Flat Rock has adopted the 2-mile section of Spartanburg Highway (US Hwy 176) from the intersection of East/West King Street [...]
East Flat Rock Park Public Input Meeting
🚨 Exciting news for our community! 🚨 Henderson County is holding an East Flat Rock Park Public Input Meeting seeking your support and input. Bruce Gilliam and Henderson County Parks & Rec are once again pursuing a grant to make our playgrounds and walkways more accessible and inclusive for everyone! They’re dedicated to creating spaces where all kids and families [...]
Final Adopt-A-Highway Trash Pickup of 2024 THIS Saturday, December 7!
Please join us Saturday, December 7, 2024 at 10:00 am for our quarterly Adopt-A-Highway trash pickup along our Highway 176 corridor to keep one of the main gateways into Hendersonville clean. As part of NCDOT's Adopt-A-Highway program, Friends of East Flat Rock has adopted the 2-mile section of Spartanburg Highway (US Hwy 176) from the intersection of East/West King Street [...]
Reminder: Adopt-A-Highway Trash Pickup THIS Saturday, September 21!
Please join us Saturday, September 21, 2024 at 10:00 am for our quarterly Adopt-A-Highway trash pickup along our Highway 176 corridor to keep one of the main gateways into Hendersonville clean. As part of NCDOT's Adopt-A-Highway program, Friends of East Flat Rock has adopted the 2-mile section of Spartanburg Highway (US Hwy 176) from the intersection of East/West King Street [...]
Reminder: Adopt-A-Highway Trash Pickup THIS Saturday, June 22!
Please join us Saturday, June 22, 2024 at 10:00 am for our quarterly Adopt-A-Highway trash pickup along our Highway 176 corridor to keep one of the main gateways into Hendersonville clean. Michelle and I won't be there this time, but we've got three capable team leaders filling in for us: Erik Weber, Kim Capps, and Judy Williams! As part of [...]
Reminder: Adopt-A-Highway Trash Pickup THIS Saturday, March 16!
Please join us Saturday, March 16, 2024 at 10:00 am for our quarterly Adopt-A-Highway trash pickup along our Highway 176 corridor to keep one of the main gateways into Hendersonville clean. As part of NCDOT's Adopt-A-Highway program, Friends of East Flat Rock has adopted the 2-mile section of Spartanburg Highway (US Hwy 176) from the intersection of East/West King Street [...]
Can we prevent another proposed asphalt plant fight?
No, there's not another application to build an asphalt plant in East Flat Rock... yet. There certainly could be, though, and Jeff Shipman's proposed site is already graded and developed to the specs set by Civil Design Concepts in Asheville, NC — prime to be developed by another asphalt company should the political views of the Henderson County Board of [...]
2024 Adopt-a-Highway Schedule — Save the dates!
Here is our 2024 Adopt-a-Highway schedule: March 16 June 22 September 21 December 7 A few days prior to each event, we'll send an email reminder to everyone on our GET NOTIFIED email list. If you want reminders and you're not already on there, sign up now. GET NOTIFIED Stay updated on the current status, next [...]
Adopt-A-Highway Trash Pickup on Saturday, December 16!
Please join us Saturday, December 16, 2023 at 10:00 am for our quarterly Adopt-A-Highway trash pickup along our Highway 176 corridor to keep one of the main gateways into Hendersonville clean. As part of NCDOT's Adopt-A-Highway program, Friends of East Flat Rock has adopted the 2-mile section of Spartanburg Highway (US Hwy 176) from the intersection of East/West King Street [...]
Adopt-A-Highway Trash Pickup on Saturday, August 19!
Please join us Saturday, August 19, 2023 from 10:00 am for our quarterly Adopt-A-Highway trash pickup along our Highway 176 corridor to keep one of the main gateways into Hendersonville clean. As part of NCDOT's Adopt-A-Highway program, Friends of East Flat Rock has adopted the 2-mile section of Spartanburg Highway (US Hwy 176) from the intersection of East/West King Street [...]