No, there’s not another application to build an asphalt plant in East Flat Rock… yet. There certainly could be, though, and Jeff Shipman’s proposed site is already graded and developed to the specs set by Civil Design Concepts in Asheville, NC — prime to be developed by another asphalt company should the political views of the Henderson County Board of Commissioners shift just slightly in that favor. Can we prevent another proposed asphalt plant from being developed in our neighborhood?
Make no mistake about it, we barely won the last two fights — and it took hundreds of hours of volunteer time and tens of thousands of hard-earned dollars to do it — all because Shipman’s attorney, Brian Gulden, told us they needed only one vote from the Commissioners to swing a 3-2 approval in their favor, saying that two Commissioners were going to vote in favor of Shipman’s application right from the start.
Can we stay as neutral as Switzerland?
As a neighborhood group united to fight a single issue, we’ve aimed to stay out of politics as much as possible. But it’s nearly impossible to separate the two…
In Henderson County, a conditional rezoning application, like one to build an asphalt plant in a Community Commercial District next to residential neighborhoods, is a legislative process and a quasi-judicial one — meaning it’s decided by the elected members of the Board of Commissioners.
Our core philosophy is and has always been to be bipartisan, uniting Democrats, Republicans, and the undeclared voters in between.
It’s time for a change in leadership…
While we can’t outright prevent another conditional rezoning application to build an asphalt plant here, we CAN discourage the next developer from applying by making sure our County Commissioners won’t vote to approve one.
This year, and specifically this upcoming primary election on Tuesday, March 5, 2024 (early voting starts Thursday, February 15, 2024), voters like you and I will decide whether or not David Hill continues his role as a Commissioner and whether or not Daniel Andreotta makes it to the November ballot.
Your alternatives:
Both of the following candidates have publicly announced that they are opposed to and would not have voted to approve Jeff Shipman’s application had they been on the Board of Commissioners either time he applied.

Jay Egolf (vs David Hill)
Jay supports smart planning to balance our growth and preserve the natural beauty of Henderson County by using judicious zoning and a proper Comprehensive Land Use Plan.
Opposed to and would have voted against:

Sheila Franklin (vs Daniel Andreotta)
Sheila is interested in getting as much input on issues from her constituents as possible and supports common sense decisions to protect Henderson County from sprawl and to “conserve our present to preserve our future.”
Opposed to and would have voted against:
What you can do right now:
- 1Ask for and vote on the Republican primary ballot if you’re registered as a Republican or as an unaffiliated voter. (If you’re registered as a Democrat and you want to vote on the Republican primary ballot, the last day to change your party affiliation to unaffiliated is Friday, February 9, 2024.)
- 2Drop by the main shelter pavilion at the East Flat Rock Park to meet Jay Egolf on Thursday, February 8 anytime between 4pm – 7pm and let him know what issues matter most to you as a resident of Henderson County.
- 3Ask three people you know in Henderson County to vote for Jay Egolf and Sheila Franklin in the Henderson County Primary Election and invite them to come meet Jay Egolf on February 8.
Thank you so much for this article. I am no longer on Facebook. Could you let me know when the adopt a highway dates are so I can try to attend. I wish the commissioners weren’t party affiliated since I am a democrat!
Yes, here’s our 2024 Adopt-a-Highway schedule: