Time to Get Moving!
The first step in the process of stopping the proposed asphalt plant is now history. With the Neighborhood Compatibility Meeting behind us, it’s time to get moving!
We meet weekly on Mondays at 7:00 pm via Zoom to discuss our strategies and organize our volunteers. If you’d like to participate, please use the form at the bottom of this page to indicate your preferred team for making the best use of your valuable time, your energy, and your talents.
FRIENDS OF EAST FLAT ROCK is a grassroots movement of citizens inspired in our urgent mission by the famous words of Margaret Mead:
Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. For indeed, that is all that ever has.
Our efforts are organized around five teams with the following responsibilities:
Outreach – Raise awareness, establish dialogue, and enroll involvement and support of county residents through existing networks of people, such as HOA’s, PTA’s, congregations, businesses and related groups, not-for-profits, civic clubs, and camps and recreational associations.
Publicity – The voice of our movement, spreading the word through social and print media, radio and t.v. spots and interviews, Letters to the Editor, phone campaigns, signs, posters, billboards, banners, buttons, and endorsements.
Research and Information Management – Identify reliable research about asphalt plant impacts, arrange for needed analyses (e.g., property value appraisal, noise pollution), and provide fact-sheets use by other teams.
Fundraising – Generate a revenue stream to pay for legal counsel, other professional services, and supplies, and manage our funds.
Representation – Legal counsel and other members as necessary to appear before public meetings and hearings, the press, and with partner organizations.
Teams are self-organizing and self-directed and provide regular updates on the website. Teams should readily seek help or guidance from others, if needed.
Everyone is asked to funnel ideas and contacts to the appropriate team to reduce confusion and duplication of effort. Clear lanes of action and communication are critical to our success.
We thrive on collaboration and initiative and are committed to being the best possible ambassadors for the community of East Flat Rock in everything we do.